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Question: Rate this poem for me!? Verse of a Bound Vagabond!.!.!.!?
I posted this once before and got some pretty good feedback!. this is the edited version!. Please rate on a scale of 1-10!. Thanks in advance!.

"Verse of a Bound Vagabond"

I heard her call again late last night
Begging me, pulling me
To come back
Though I’ve never been!.

The Eden I fell in love with
As a boy, much too young
To find a reason
For the tears the mountains bring to my eyes!.

And she whispered, soft,
Of lucid skies, unwaning
In their deep blue serenity,
And of roads my bootheels have yet to touch!.

She sang to me, a song
too sweet for words,
Of infinite harmonic beauty
That would bring God himself to his knees!.

I’ll come to her some day,
On roads of dust and stone, a-winding
Like English Ivy towards her
Just as the many drawn by her song did before me
Colorado, I’ll come home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
8 is infinite and perfect!. ill give it this for being so genuine and eloquent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

beautiful poem!. i give u 9 !.!. i think it'll sound pretty good as a song tho !. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like it 8 outta 10Www@QuestionHome@Com

that was savage 10 babyWww@QuestionHome@Com