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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem: Life -- 3 older poems joined to create one - please edit.?

Question: Poem: Life -- 3 older poems joined to create one - please edit!.!?

under the mountain
pressure builds
steamy lava flows

streams of light sparkle
drawn toward a black hole
light dispels the gloom!.

dawn near a black hole;
sparks ignite the vacant sky,
life -- a single cell!.

(zephyr 0805!.28)
(? Victoria Tarrani)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I wouldn't change a word!. We know all life depends on the rays of the sun - the light and heat - and that 'life' originated in a single cell - albeit a bacterium which went a bit wonky - transmuted into a whole chain of events - leading to us !!!
Methinks you've summed it up very well - all the way back to the very roots of planet earth - and our current thoughts/knowledge as to how we got to where can pose such challenging questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Streams of light dispels the gloom
That’s drawn towards the darkness
Under the mountain pressure builds
To release the steamy lava flow

Sparks ignite, the vacant sky
To reveal in life & light!.
A single cell that’s brought to life
From the depths, of a black holeWww@QuestionHome@Com

as steamy lava flows!.
light itself dispels the gloom!.
the vacant sky of life in a single cell of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com