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Question: Hitler poem!!?
i need a silly poem about hitler

its important!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
silly hitler poem!?

your name was hitler
you were and EVIL critter
you killed millions of people
and decieved your own
in order to do so
so that they would be on your side
you willingly and knowingly lied
made them believe they were in danger
when they werent you stupid jerk
or should i say stupid people!?
for believing your decietful
ways just so you could kill the jews
the world is better without liars like you

nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, good riddanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler is a silly goat,
One day he overturned a boat
He got the soaking of his life
And then he wished he had a wife,
When he got to his door,
He wished he had married before,
And now poor Hitler he is married
And from that day to the day he died,
He’s been the laughing stock of the town
And now poor Hitler he is dead
His poor wife mourners for him just yet
But I’m sure she doesn’t miss him one bit,
Im sure she wishes him down and down
And yet he wishes her safe and sound!.

Hope you like itWww@QuestionHome@Com

did anybody notice hitler was fat
i always thought he'd be a hot lad
cuz he was so obsessed with 'superiority' and stuff
but then i saw him and was like "he ain't no buff!"
and then i thought "wait a minute!.!.!.
"!.!.!.why is hitler alive at dunkin donuts!?" 0_o

-bf jb nmWww@QuestionHome@Com

This was a guy whose solution to any problem was to murder anyone he didn't like!. He and Stalin were responsible for the deaths of about fifty million people!. Why do you think this is suitable material for silliness!? If you present a good argument, I'll write the poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no blonde hair on he
coveted blue eyes did he
short, bad sport, and thwart him did weWww@QuestionHome@Com

Write one!? I'm doing a creative writing degree at uni, poetry is fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com