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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think, do you like it or not and why, does it seem to have intense f

Question: What do you think, do you like it or not and why, does it seem to have intense feeling in it!?
Thinking of You

My heart beats faster than the speed of these words
Insanity is just around the corner
My head and heart or both,seem to burst from within
And I can’t do anything but think of you
My words don’t make sense but neither do these feelings
Why did you come in to my life!?
I can not avoid you though I try
You grip on faster when I try to run
You are poking fun of me and driving me up the wall
I can not look at you cause I fear my melt down
And this feeling that I am sinking it’s dreadfully scary
Because only you can lift me back up
And only you can bring me back
But the damage is too far done to be fixed
My heart is scarred for the rest of eternity
My soul will burn in fire like this until I stop thinking of you
And that unfortunately is easier said then done
I want to run far from you and I am afraid that just might happen
As much as I said it, I swear I didn’t mean it
But now the damage is too far done to be fixed
Never thought I would feel thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow i usually don't like non-rhyming poems but i actually love this!. It is very deep and i really like the line "as much as i said it, i swear i didn't mean it!." The poem explains a lot of emotions and it somewhat relatable for me and says things that i didn't know how to write down!. There's so much i like about this poem, the wording, the mood!. It's just really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would have to agree i dont like non rhyming poems to hot but this was great i loved it i really did feel where you were comin from it made me think back to a past relationship of my own so i really do feel you on this keep up the good workWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your writings bare your soul and I can feel the warmth and love in your heart, you are really a wonderful person, sensitive and honest!. Control your feelings, don't let them hurt you!.

What you are experiencing is called passion, lust, addiction!.
What these thing do is basically to take our free will away from us!. We are being willingly controlled by some thing or someone!. These are not bad emotions if we understand them and control them instead of letting them control us!.
We have a passion for our jobs(studies)
Devotion to our wife only(lust)
only drink with our wife present(addiction)
Okay these are very simplifications of serious problems, but I hope you can get the main drift!Www@QuestionHome@Com