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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you know of a website with audio files of poetry in the various original lang

Question: Do you know of a website with audio files of poetry in the various original languages!?
Here is an excerpt from Hesiod's "Works and Days" (circa 700 B!.C!.E!.) translated to English in 1728 by Mr!. Cooke of London!. My Greek is old and poor!. My Ancient Greek is even worse!. I want to hear this and its sounds!.

“Soon as the deathless Gods were born, and Man,
A mortal Race, with Voice edu'd, began,
The heav'nly Pow'rs from High their work behold,
And the first Age they stile an Age of Gold!.
Men spent a Life like Gods in Saturn's Reign,
Nor felt their Mind a Care, nor Body Pain;
The fields, as yet untill'd, their Fruits afford,
And fill a sumptuous, and enevy'd, Board!.
From Labour free they all Delights enjoy,
Nor could the Ills of Time and Peace destroy;
They dy, or rather seem to dy, they seem
From hence transporting in a pleasing Dream!.
Thus, crown'd with Happyness their ev'ry Day,
Serer, and joyful, pass'd their Lives away!.”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is a good site - click on "All audio / podcast" that is on the left side of page!. You can go with "International" - or select a particular country to view!.


You can hear samples there (I have not tried it!.!.!.yet):


And maybe also there:


You could try Guttenburg!.org - maybe they have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com