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Question: Is the devil into Stock!?
Woe is the World
(title intentionally melodramatic)

Sacred Monarch of the abyss
and they shall worship her
Found within her precious kiss
are springs of hot sulfur
But ever on men seek to lie
in her self-soiled bed
For all they less denied as I
may seek their mortal death
Craven Cretin bare their blades
descend upon the earth
using merchants skill and trade
a devil finds new birth
Of stock and coin the demons rise
the Man-Beast searches for his bride
and we all work, up above
unseeing to the darker side
we gloat about our worth
While dark things dine inside

Can’t tell myself that this is not about the woes of the world… I wish I could say that it was not because I hate whiners and do not wish to be one!. But I hope it says something to others… it does to me anyway…Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I got more meaning out of it - after I read the title!. Image came of our interest in coal (or oil!?) - the "monarch" of the abyss - whom we worship!. I thought it more like coal - because of the sulfur !?!? Men dig into the earth with "blades" - while we gloat above - oblivious as to what is going on below!. Boy, this is REALLY pulling for images ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a huge difference between whining and crying out in pain, as this does!. Through your somewhat enigmatic words and frightening images, I have a better understanding of the dark side of society!. "Craven Cretin bare their blades" is a wonderful, dramatic example of alliteration!. You have so much skill, and I appreciate that you are using it to illuminate the ills of the world!. Someone must!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, YES !!! The devil is definitely into stock! And guess what, he could also be your next door neighbor, your teacher, and even your congressman!. The devil is not stupid, he will do what it takes to get close to you!. He is working very hard to put himself or his followers into positions of power!. Think about it, if you were trying to rule the world, wouldn't you need a lot of power!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are getting quite political, and that makes me happy!. It is time that the poets use what powers they possess, not only to remind the world of love and beauty, but also to skillfully point out the wrongs of our self-damned society!. We should all be grateful for things like this!. I know I am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is into the stock of soul!.!.!. I love the way your words do not say things specifically but allow the reader to see into the concept itself!.!.!. this is an interesting take on things!. Though i do not fully see your side the words allow me to come to my own conclusion on the subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, yes much on our minds, Interesting way you have described it!. yet more then one devil!.
The lastest on news of----------many speculators that worked for enron are in this bag of mix on oil prices!.
I enjoyed the read!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I shook with fear at the visceral concept and image of dark things dinning inside of me! It affected me, good or bad that is the sign of a great poet!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Disturbing, I tell you! Makes you think!.!.!. Thank you for making me think, i haven't done that much lately!Www@QuestionHome@Com

lovely!. i hope this gets through to some of the masses as they pass by our kind on their way to empty eternity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com