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Position:Home>Poetry> How would you feel if you were a VampireGirl who thought her father had died?

Question: How would you feel if you were a VampireGirl who thought her father had died!?
Countess’ FatherFear

She had taken the path laid before her
rest never came with the fears of late
She laid by a stream and prayed anew
for the safety of her VampFathers fate
In the water she looked to see the fight
and a vision came, dark and scornful
Her FathersBlood had spilled that night
Lanett’s tears ran scarlet and mournful

Would this man be coming for her now!?

I never mean for the styles to be so vastly different but… they always take their own path!. I did not try to make this one so neat, it just turned out that way!. I am still not sure what I think of these but if others like them then I will be happy!. Could you tell me if this fits in with the rest of the story!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ask and ye shall receive! I wanted more and here comes more! Wow, you are on a roll today, must have a lot of time on your hands lately!. This is an interesting addition to the tale being spun by a masterful tale spinner!.!.!.!. maybe not my favorite but very telling in the line of CountSon poems!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is such a well-written addition to the series!. The rhyming and meter are wonderful!. The story is dark and melancholy at this point!.!.!."scarlet and mournful" as Lanett's tears!. And tense as well, for she does not know what will become of her now!. I am glad you are letting the story take you where it will in form and style!. It makes the series very interesting and I never know what to expect!. I will be awaiting the next poem very anxiously!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This one makes me scratch my head, not because of the message but because of the divers style!. I know you said you do not mean to make them all so different but!.!.!. actually, they do all fit together, in a strange way!. I like this new addition!Www@QuestionHome@Com