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Question: My Poem (opinions)!?
I wrote this for school and kinda liked it lol!.!.!. tell me what you think:

Oh on the eve before the war,
We set up camp to wait the night!.
Silence throughout the army corps,
We lay upon the Devil’s Door!.

I heard a tree whisper to me,
“What are you really fighting for!?”
Was this a jest from a banshee!?
Or could it be an inner plea!?

The town will fall, and see a brawl,
As if a castle in the tide!.
The world will be watching with awe,
They think nothing can break the wall!.

I picked my side!. I cannot hide!.
Tomorrow I shall meet my fate!.
I had a certain sense of pride,
Keep moving forward with each stride!.

Within my mind, there was debate,
Our army fought without a will!.
We needed will to siege the gate,
We can’t defeat the War Hawk state!.

The sun rose up behind the hill,
By this time, our troops had criss-crossed!.
I saw it in their eyes, such thrill,
Such a strong desire to kill!.

The war was over!.
All was lost!.
We were nothing more
Than the eve before
At such a heightened cost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really liked that :D
Such a story!.!. a very nice poem indeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com