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Position:Home>Poetry> Poetry lovers what do you think of this poem? just started writing poetry?

Question: Poetry lovers what do you think of this poem!? just started writing poetry!?
How quick we are to face the stars and confess our endless blight!. The darkness scars our broken hearts we say there is no light!. There is no hope our bones are dust the wrong can't be made right!. The tears that fall the hopless cries that carry through the night!. And into ashes the Earth crashes, the sun has claimed it's right!. For devastated and deflated the losers would not fight!. written by Ken Taylor (Tayburn) '08Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
for a beginner I would say!. !. !.WOW! I can remember when I first started, I was Terrible!(not much better now lol=) but 'wow' if this is one of your first!Www@QuestionHome@Com