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Position:Home>Poetry> What are some tips for poetry?

Question: What are some tips for poetry!?
i need some help with poetry!.!.!.!.!.i really like it but im not to good at it!.!.!.!.!.any pointers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Read, read, and read some more!. Read a lot of poems from a lot of different poets!. Make it a habit of learning new words on a regular basis!. Practice different poetic forms and devices like alliteration, allusion, metaphor, meter, rhyme schemes, etc!. Don't get upset or discouraged if someone gives you a harsh critique!. Learn from what others have to say, good or bad!. The main thing is just keep writing and trying to do your best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

write what you feel about what you observe!. use detail! a thusarus can open a new range of vocab to spice it up!. poetry dosent have to sound good or be perfect!. the great thing about it is that you wrote it and that it is what comes from the heart!. thats all poetry is!. words from the depths of peoples hearts!. like poe had a dark past and it showed in his poems and stories!. langston hughs poured out his soul in what he belived in his culture!. so just pour your thoughts and feelings onto paper and explore the possibilities!. enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

try making a poem using random words first, and see how it looks, then you'll kinda know what ur doin when ur writing :D

here's my random poem:
