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Position:Home>Poetry> One last poem for today. Is it a good start.?

Question: One last poem for today!. Is it a good start!.!?

Framed with pure apathy,
hung upon a crooked wall!.
So old, I can't change,
please, do not even try!.

Drowning in your eyes,
sinking slowly into each!.
Reaching for your face,
no such thing as a life!.

I slipped through yyour cracks,
my bruises now wounds!.
Scared, you look inside,
I am burning for you/

I have wasted time,
where do I even begin!.
Everything I ever owned,
now belongs to others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's great, but I hope your continuing on with this poem b\c theres more you could add to it even just one more line to complete it!. I think the last line would read off better if you were to say "Everthing I ever owned now belongs to you"

Just a suggestion but I thought what you've started is great!.

Keep up the good work oh and if you want and you get a chance post your writing on this site www!.urbis!.com it's great for getting reviews from other writers as well but bare in mind there are afew @rseholes on there but 1\2 of them don't even know what theyre talking about!. I post up my writing on that site as well!. Anyways it's just another thought!.

Cheers and thanks for the read,


wow this is pretty good! i would try ending with a more powerful last line though!. it doesnt seem like the end and with such a great poem, it should have a great last verse or line!.
it is defietly great for a start and as a poet myself, this is pretty good for a first time!. keep writing and you will get so much better
keep up the good work and hope this helped =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. Like the others said, a stronger ending might be needed to give the final touch to the poem!.
Maybe everything i ever owned will never be mine again!.

Idk, keep working on it, I really like it so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like it!. Not necessarily the poem, but the emptiness it leaves within!. Help it change even if it hurts more than it has before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great but to keep ryming istead of belongs to others put belongs upon othersWww@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!.!.!.!.they are everywhere tonight my friend!.!.!.!.don't worry about it!. Just keep on writing, it is just as good as ever!. Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each line is full of imagery! Yes, it is better than a good start, I thought it was finished!.Www@QuestionHome@Com