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Question: Do certain smells bring memories!?
Smells of Mom

No smells needed, Saturday called
Internal clock said cinnamon,
butter, sugar and raisins plumped,
all in doughy delight, baked right

Then came Sunday, blessed the day
for our chickens caught, fried just right
were served with fresh potatoes mashed,
and drippings stirred, with gravy poured!.

And, however bad school day was
The wafting smell on doorway moved
gave priorities… rightful place
Care for some ginger snaps, anyone!?

Then came our sis, with her diapers cloth
and baby powder, and sour milk!.
Diaper pail detail… argued much!.
How can something sweet smell like that!?

The food smells were sirens ringing
But not forgotten were the Tides
and Folgers, bleaches and canning
and dandelion wine… old side porch

But the smell remembered most
is the present I sought and bought!.
No finer perfume could be found
than I bought, for… $buck, ninety five!.
Funny though, as Mom sweetly smiled
I thought I saw a grimace there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, that was loaded with imagery!. I especially liked the feeling of the "doughy delight", the bitter taste of "sour milk", and the warm crunch of "chickens caught, fried just right"!.

And a great ending showing how the memory of a mother outweighs all of the other childhood memories!.

Please read my newest poem if you will!.

Very nicely done!. The sense of smell is often underrated; yet certain aromas elicit memories!. That explains why I love the smell of fall leaves!.!.!.I recall laughter as us kids jumped in the leaves, the crunch of leaves underfoot as we Trick-or-Treated on a Halloween night, and looking out of the back of my parents' 1970's station wagon as the leaves we drove through them on the road leaving swirling color behind!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Musk sticks, soft licquorice, talcum powder, floor polish, shoe polish (from the crawling days), Dad's California Poppy hair conditioner!. Brut, boronia/fresias, cut wet grass

good memories

Thanks for the gentle reminder of better daysWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can remember vegetable croquettes with mushroom gravy!. My favorite meal that mom made and the happiness it brought around a dinner table - good talk, smells, and tastes!. Alas, I've tried to duplicate it, but it's not the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they do, A mental scene recalled brings with it smells,
sounds, various feelings of heart and soul!.

Warm, lovely words created your scene, enjoyable read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent imagery! The smell of chicken-pot-pie reminds me of my grandmother's house!. She made it everytime we came over and I loved helping her make the home-made noodles!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is odors and sounds!. All but one are things I know, dandelion wine!. Other wines yes but not dandelion!. Very good, memories and poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like this, I can smell the first rain on a dry cement road and it will bring me back everytime!. great job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it! It brought back a lot of memories for me!.

Happy, carefree times!.


A very interesting Q!. And a wonderful poem!!! I used to love to go into the pantry and open the can of coffee and stick my whole head in there and inhale forever!

For some time I've been intrigued by my own sense of smell and the emotions it evokes in me!.

I remember going home once after many years of being away; and the moment I crossed a certain point (geographically speaking), the smell of the earth hit my nose, and the strangest feelings washed over me!. Although I have very painful memories of home, it was a pleasantly familiar odor to me -- quite wonderful actually! Not because there were any memories attached to the odor though -- at least not consciously!. I just loved the smell of that red clay that I had grown up around, and played in as a child!.!.!. There it is! A good memory!. Ahhh!.

Anyway, your Q has inspired me to finally get around to asking a Q of my own that I've been contemplating for several weeks!. It's about my children's individual scents!. Thanks for a great poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yes, they really do!. I've read that the sense of smell can lock in memories very strongly!.

Not to be grim, but I had a very difficult childhood and can not find much to be happy about from that time period!. I have had many painful recollections of early childhood abuse, but I DO have some mysterious good memories attached to smells!. When I buy hamburgers for my family the first thing I do when I get the sack of food is to close my eyes and breathe in deeply the smell!. I get this rush of sweet pleasure, even though I have no specific pictures in my mind!. I have one or two more random, scent-based memories that give me such a precious, quick association with something nice!.

One of the things I believe God did to help me survive that period of time, was to find deep pleasure in simple things like the color of the air in springtime mixed with the sweet smell of mowed lawns!. The patterns of leaf shadows dancing in the wind along with the fragrance of honeysuckle vines gave me a pleasure that gripped me strongly and somehow helped me hold onto life with my grubby little hands!.

I'm so glad you asked this question; it gave me a wonderful dance down a mysterious memory lane!. My eyes saw so much ugliness, yet my nose helped me rise above it all!. That God could use such a small thing so powerfully is one of many reasons I worship Jesus Christ!. He kept me alive in a harsh place by His creative genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com