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Position:Home>Poetry> Any comments about this new poem?

Question: Any comments about this new poem!?
Nineteen Pills

Nineteen pills
taken every single day,
a mix of meds and vitamins;
mostly vitamins;
my life’s discipline!.
A regimen
that just begins,
as I Exfoliate and Moisturize
and put drops in my eyes
spray my sinuses, and
take an allergy pill!.
And I’m still not done till
I apply some ointment
for aches and pains
and manicure my nails again!.

There’s oils and soaks
and butters for my feet
I watch my diet,
stay away from sweets;
eat lighter foods and exercise
get regular checkups
for teeth and eyes,
get a physical every year
keep a frost in my hair!.

So tell me what’s “fair”
about working this hard
to stay looking my best,
so I can run into a friend
from a long ago past
who cheerfully announces
“Gee, you look great ---
it must be in the genes!”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
With all that effort, I bet you look great in jeans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was an amusing poem, albeit a bit bittersweet in the end!.

Well done!



LoL-------------But every little bit does help, genes and all!
A fun read thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ew lol =)Www@QuestionHome@Com