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Question: A work in progress- is it finished!?
carus redux

He lopes along, swinging his arms
singing a song,
his long legs like spaghetti noodles
floating in the watery winds!.

He’s got secrets but little else;
nothing holds him to the earth
and he flies all too frequently, and too high!.

But Nature exacts a cost for
such defiance and gravity extracts a toll;
when passing thru the doors of perception
One emerges many; pieces of a whole!.

We all know the tale of Icarus
carried away on the winds of arrogance;
‘tis but a myth!. The true wings of Justice keep you falling,
never to land!.

Such wisdom comes from experience
and cannot be taught, nor given;
force is tempered by expedience
true peace is the Providence of Heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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