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Position:Home>Poetry> When is Father's day? Will you have a memory?

Question: When is Father's day!? Will you have a memory!?
It was Sunday, Father’s day,
and I didn’t want to be there, cutting wood
in the middle of June!. I argued,
as well as a 12 year old
boy can argue with his father,
but my words were deftly quelled,
and there I was in the back
of a pick up truck on a Sunday morning
with a cooler
full of lunch
and an old gray box full
of chains and chain oil and I
the smell of that old gray box,
the smell of power
it had, the power to help a neighbor
and the power to heat a home
and I remember thinking that it was somehow
important to my father
to be here so I embraced it
and I watched everything and
I learned!.
The world became ours,
my world, my father’s
we owned it,
we were in charge, we
made the rules, and we
worked together and everyone
I saw that day was in our
and I watched them,
knowing my father would dictate
what was to be done
and how to do it and
I was his helper and he instructed them
and assured them and nothing, nothing,
nothing could go wrong or happen to me
when I was in that world!.
So we dropped
that huge elm
that grew too close to the barn,
and the rope held true
and the tree fell true
and there was cheering and I was proud
and my father held me
and laughed and we cut that old tree to pieces
and the chainsaw roared and the sawdust flew and
that smell
was the greatest smell on earth,
the power of it overwhelmed us
and my father and I ruled the world on that day with our
ropes and our chains
and oils and cooler
full of lunch
and I remember
thinking how happy I was
because I spent father’s day alone
with my dad
and nobody else
existed in that world
that we had created!.
And months later, when
the high pitched whine of burning elm
filled the living room
my father
said “That’s that tree we dropped
at Clymer’s place, remember that David!?”
And I said yes, I remembered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you wrote is beautiful, brought a tear to my eye!. My dad died when I was young!.!.So on Father's day I visit his grave!.!.!.he is buried next to my brother who died at age 36 of cancer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe poetry is only as good as the emotion it evokes after reading it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.LOOK at these responses! Even a Yidiot can see this one spoke to EVERYONE'S heart!.

Sadly, I have no such memories, but now I can cradle this one in my heart!. Many thanks!.


That, Buk!.!.!.!. has to be one of the best poems ever! Beautiful!!!
I can almost smell that elm!.

My Dad spent 20 years in the Navy, I remember those days that he would come home after 6 months at sea!.!.!.!.!.!.picking me up with a great big hug and twirling me around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am keeping this poem for my brother!. our father is dead and this poem is a good example of what my brother and my dad shared!. thank you for this!. it brought tears in my eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buk, what can I say!. That was such a touching poem that I find no words to say it!. Loved it and yes I will have my memories!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Shared good times - with your Dad - are golden and never forgotten!. My father and I used to ride horses together - I was very young (about 8) and it was before my brothers were born!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your father should be proud, i can tell you are!.!.!.
i have no memories like that, but im going to make sure my son will!.
thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautifull poem! Memories are the best thing that we can own for ourselves!.Noone can take them away!.Thanks for having me shed a few tears!.Sounds like we were both blessed with great dads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was beautiful! I cut and threw down thru the basement window and stacked many, many trees myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I only celebrated Father's Day when i was really young!. I normally give him handmade cards back then!. Sadly, i have grown apart from my dad!.!.!.

--->Your poem is brilliant, as always!.!.!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com



Beautiful Buk!. you out did yourself here!. Love honeyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nicely said!.!. no memories or good one's!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

15 of juneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful Buk! I sure missed your work while I was gone! Hugs!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it Buk!. That sounds like a great memory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My son and husband cut wood all weekend!. I hope his memories are as vivid and loving!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Dad walked out on us when I was young!.!.!. so I don't take dear old Dad to Red Lobster for a meal and a present!.!.!. nice words BTW !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that was excellent!. it was like it was me and my dad you wrote aboutWww@QuestionHome@Com

this made me cry!. there is no one to compare to my dad, he's the best!.!.!.!.!.thanks for this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats beautiful buk!.!.!.im proud of my dad too!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know!.!.!.!.!.that was really good!. You are a talented crazy man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Father's Day is June 15 this year, and yes I will have memories!. My father was killed in a fall at work when I was 13, and I never got the chance to know him as a person!. Should the day come when I get married, I swear to my Lord, I will walk down the aisle alone but for my father's spirit beside me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful poem! The imagery is vivid, and I can see, smell, and hear everything you describe!.

And yes, I will have memories this Father's Day!. My dad died 3 years ago; he had cancer, but they thought they had it under control!. He went suddenly, so we were all a bit shocked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful Buk!!!!
I have lots of great memories of my dad!. My favorite was a time he stopped by the house after a long day working in the hay and just he and I went to the old swimming hole!. It was dusk and they had a great tire swing that we took turns jumping off of getting as close to the other as we could!. We laughed so hard!.!.!.swimming together, dunking the other under!.!.!.a really great memory!.!.!.thanks for making me think of it today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is true poetry Buk, and opens the window to the heart and soul!. I love this poem and it brought me right there!. I was feeling what you were feeling!. I relate to poetry that draws you in and touches you in some way!.

As for my own dad, he was a quiet man who didn't easily verbalize how he felt!. But almost every morning before he left for work he wrote my mother a poem and left it on the table!. He received a severe back injury during a hurricane, and yet I never recall hearing him complain about the pain!. He loved to plant flowers, read books, paint pictures and putter around the yard!. My most vivid memory is following the hurricane when we lost everything!. I was scared for some time of storms, and he'd rock me in his rocking chair if a severe storm came!. He never said much and sometimes he puzzled me, but I realize now the many ways he expressed his feelings!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow Buk, I bet your father's words are "good job David"!.
I plan to take flowers to the cemetery this Fathers Day!.
I always hung around my father in his garage where he loved fixing old VW beetles!. The place was full of oily rags, the smell of petrol and of course the smell of my dad's tobacco!.
He passed away years ago now, but I still love going into the garage when I'm there, just to walk around and reminisce!.
I treasure the memories of my father and now cherish the time I have with my mother as she is getting on in years!.
I am sad to say my husband passed away when my daughter was only 3 years old, so she doesn't have any memories of her father, just photographs, my stories and my memories of him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 1990, I published an essay about a letter that my Dad wrote me while I was in the Pearl Harbor brig in 1981!. In the letter, he told me the story about how, during WWII, the US Army was issued Phenol Barbitol to sleep and Methyl Amphetamine to fly B-17s and jump out of Higgins Boats!. I was surprised that the KC Star printed it!. It caused a minor uproar!. Many vets came forward and the truth was told to an indifferent (and very stoned) reading audience!. I destroyed the letter years ago!. One of the dumbest things I ever did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com