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Position:Home>Poetry> Is there a website to enter poems in a get them read and rated by others?

Question: Is there a website to enter poems in a get them read and rated by others!?
I like to write poems!. However, I don't have much of an audience!. Is there a website were I can enter my poems in and get them reviewed and commented on by others!? Something free!? I'd rather not pay just to get other people to see my poems!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes it's a site I use to post my writing as well!. Its www!.urbis!.com it caters for all styles of writing, poems,short stories,haiku's,novels etc!.!.!.!. it's a great website you should check it out!.



There is a website "poetry!.com" in which offers contests, publishing and forums as options to your work!. Which I believe when you enter the forum groups there, they offer others and sometimes pros to critique your work!.!. I hope this helps,and the best of luck to you!.!.!.!.!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you are on the website at the moment!.Why dont you post one of your poems here!. I am sure that you will get many diverse comments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com