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Question: What if VanHelsing was the bad guy!?
Helsing’s Oath

Stranger sat before
the throne of CountSon’s house
a secret to be heard
curiosity would arouse
A letter meant for VampKing
and daughter of his youth
Concealed within its words
the unescaped FoulTruth
OldEnemy still near
awaiting promise met
VladHarker knew a fear come true
and for his daughter wept
He could not, in GoodFaith,
go against this pact
but should he slay this Helsing
could terminate contract

and save his daughter
from his FoolsPast

Yes, I am brining Van Helsing into the mix here in part 9!. I figured this whole thing was about taking a unique approach to old stories so I thought why not… it is not the Van of the movies… nor is it anything like the one you all know… I would like to know if this is clear!. Could anyone help me out!?

Part 1-7

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Siren, I am finally caught up my friend and the "Vampric Writes" are simply amazin'!

The depth and energy that's pouring out from you is awesomely deep and dark and very well tuned!.

(I am inspired once again to go "Vamp" LOL)

Thank you <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is very clear and also very effective and darkly poignant!. This is one of the best out of the series and that this series is your best!. A very telling image is of "VladHarker" weeping for his daughter!. He feels both love and fear at that moment!. All of the imagery is beautifully moving in this poem!. I am very excited by the promise this gives of more to the series!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By all means, villainize Van Helsing!. It's about time someone did that, is it not!. Ha-Ha! But honestly, I am intrigued as to where this will go!. Sorry I did not get to part 8 in time, but it was very very good!. Honestly though, I believe this is the best series you have ever written!. Congratulations Siren, you've done it again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aw, leave the poor guy alone!.
Don't try to get blood from a stone!.
He was just curious
And Vlad was injurious
And now the poor *** is gone!.

*** Please provide the noun of your choice here!. Make sure it is trochaic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

VH is a bad guy!.!.!. but he turned out so bad that it looked cool to be bad and that made him sorta like the 'good guy' !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com