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Position:Home>Poetry> Need new, fresh inspiration, all ideas welcome :)...?

Question: Need new, fresh inspiration, all ideas welcome :)!.!.!.!?
Well i havnt written a poem for about 2 weeks since i use to write everyday but ran out of fresh ideas here are my previous poems http://poetrysamateur!.wordpress!.com/ feel free to leave a comment!.

What are you ideas for me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look around you -- there is inspiration in your room; look outside -- the world is there to inspire reality or fantasy; look in your kitchen -- there is a lot of inspiration there!.

Look at the sky, see the clouds, hear the breeze -- they speak to those who have ears to hear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tracy 1 is madly in love with Terry, but Terry doesn't know it!. A love letter Terry has written to another Tracy, Tracy 2, is by mistake delivered to the wrong address--to Tracy 1!. Tracy 1 is puzzled!. Is this for real!? Has Terry made a mistake!?

Write a poem in rhymed couplets that responds to Terry's love letter!. Make sure it includes some reference to Tracy 1's doubt!. If you want, assume that Tracy 1 and Tracy 2 know each other and then write a hate poem from Tracy1 to the person with the same name, Tracy 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there are lots of places to find inspiration!. If you live in the country, take a drive to the city, pull up a chair at an outside cafe, sip a latte or cup of tea and observe!. If you live in the city, take a two or three hour drive out to the country, to a state park and observe!. Find an old cafe in a country town!.!.!.!. what do you see!? How are the city people different than the country folk!? Go to a beach, climb a mountain, go to an exotic place!.!.!.!.!. go to a garden!.!.!.!.!. many places inspire!.!.!. of course feelings do too!.!.!.!. are you sad!? happy!? blue!? why!? Times of the day inspire, the light, seasons inspire, smell inspires!.!.!.!. !.!.!.!.!.!.

Best to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I read your other poems, I thought they were pretty good, I liked Midnight the most!.
I really like your style and I think a poem about Vertigo or Humility or something along those themes would work well with how you write!.

Good luck post a link when you've written a new one!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

write about the waves crashing onto the sandy shore
or how the sky is stained pink when the sun fades behind the clouds
My favorite writing is when you write about a girl abused by her father, but still stays to regain some respect, don't ask why!.!.!.

read my poetry if you want!?Www@QuestionHome@Com