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Position:Home>Poetry> In response to the Cannes Film Festival, I brought an oldie of mine - Thoughts?

Question: In response to the Cannes Film Festival, I brought an oldie of mine - Thoughts!?
As black flags ruffled,
And mothers prayed,
One hundred candles were lit,
With his life he paid,
Don’t let another one die,
My son is not a criminal,
A prisoner of war,
Their life’s all terminal,
Two countries of ownership,
Both religions unstable,
Hundreds have died now,
The people incapable,
Their walls full of blood,
Slop out those dirt pans,
The prison couldn’t care less,
God bless sweet Bobby Sands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What a beautiful portrayl of a fantastic person, well done, I take my hat off to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Israeli prisoner of warWww@QuestionHome@Com