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Question: A Dying Wish!.!. poem!.!.thoughts!?!?
A Dying Wish

Sleeping soundly while drams arise
Suddenly wake up to screams and cries
Fits of yelling, tears, frustration!.
My sister’s boyfriend didn’t show appreciation!.
Cuts inside her from not having all of his love
Nowhere to turn, not even above!.
In her room, I see her body drop
Nothing I can do to make her stop!.
Why do you want to leave me, sis, so broken and sad!?
Please remember all the good times, in the past that we have had!.
I know you are hurt and filled up with pain!.
But why kill yourself, what’s there to gain!?
I’m helpless inside and I can’t do a thing!.
The echoes of your pains, still in my ears, they do ring!.
Why do you want to leave your family, the ones who care!?
To be there for you when you fall, basically, always be there!.
Sometimes in life you might want to bail!.
Just know that my love for you will never fail!.
If you leave, where will I turn!?
The hurt of missing you, in my heart, will always burn!.
I hope your there in the future to see my children go up fast
Your love for your sisters, why can’t it ever last!?
You didn’t go through with it so I guess I now know!.
That I can loose someone and see my bloody tears flow!.
I will always and truly remain your sister and friend!.
Just please promise me that this won’t ever happen againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thats an amazing poem and there's so much emotion in it I wrote similar ones to the same situation but none of them captured the pain like yours

I hope everything works out well


I'm not sure if you can truly determine, from an external viewpoint, whether or not someone is giving their love or being loved!.
There are always valuable lessons in gain and loss, love's lessons are very deep!. Maybe the love of a family just isn't the same as the love of someone special!.

!.!.!.my opinion!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u will get gd grades
Very sad and touching!.!.
!.!.It made me cry

Good, emotional and a little sad =]

Hopefully not from experience =[Www@QuestionHome@Com