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Position:Home>Poetry> One or the other....poem for my unborn....your thoughts???

Question: One or the other!.!.!.!.poem for my unborn!.!.!.!.your thoughts!?!?!?
One or the Other

Lying in this room
A new addition coming soon
The time has almost come
All of this waiting will be done
Fighting to stay focus
Fast breathing now is slow
Trying to remain clam when hearing voices talking low!.
Saying, One or the other
Who can really decide!?
One or the other
One, is going to die
Tragic words hit the hears so suddenly
The room is spinning, can’t see anything clearly
Tears breaking out, I know this is my place
Sadness no doubt, never seeing my miracles face
Now I’m fighting to stay focus
So hard to breathe in slow
My mind is racing, knowing this is as far as I go
My heart’s Saying, One or the other
I must decide
One or the other
I must say good-bye
Take care of my miracle while I wait in sleep for my return
Please let my baby know, in time she will learn
A mother’s choice is hard, but my love will always flow
When she’s a mommy too this love she will come to know
Now it’s Impossible to stay focus
Gasping breaths enter in slow
My mind is in a dream, the dim lights seems to go
My last breath cries out, One or the other
I alone will decide
One or the other
I alone will say goodbyeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I thought your poem is very deep, preparing for the worse!. I am glad that everything turned out well for your family!.

Best Wishes to your family!Www@QuestionHome@Com