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Question: Never thought I would post this "ode" Seems apt for today, Comments!?
Transcendental Ode of Farewell

In our silence known to us alone,
These words he left me with his eyes!.
This is a bittersweet good-bye, the longest one we ever faced!.
We sensed we knew that"s all it was, good-bye to here
and all that is!.
To separate journeys each unknown,yet no more parted
as sea from sky!.
We know to love there is no end,
our souls shall meet again, again!.
Love echos its refrain, it drifts, it does not end,
You'll be okay,you'll be okay,and so will I!.
We shall meet love again, and then again in joy or pain,
I leave you all my strenth of love unseen, add that to yours
to carry on the while you're here, you'll be okay and so will I,
free from this wretched body aching, now of no value here
or great beyond!.
My soul partakes, let's all else go!.
Good-bye, good-bye my sweet, sweet only love, good-bye!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is from the heart, the heart of one who loves much!. He must have been someone very special!. My suggestion to you and only a suggestion, is to spend more time on this to tighten the lines and improve flow!. I am sure your loving hand will guide to make this shine the way it deserves too!. My compliments on sharing this poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's truly beautiful Jenny!.
Parting with "hope", a knowing inside yourself that all is well with your soul and his, is saying
good-bye only for a time, not a forever!. That strength of belief in continuance, sustains even the deepest sorrow!.
Well said but I'm so sorry for your pain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com