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Position:Home>Poetry> Poetry Help PLz???!! Needing Some Inspiration!!!?

Question: Poetry Help PLz!?!?!?!! Needing Some Inspiration!!!!?
Ok, so i have another question about poetry!. Im required to write a sonnet about overcoming hard times for the ones we love!. What can i use in the beginning of the poem to represent depression or hard times!? For example, in one of the examples he used the coming of spring and new life, but said he could not enjoy it because of his depression, etc!.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!. Thanks!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!.!.!.!.what is a hard time for u or what is a really big fear of yours that could cause depression!? Poems are just like stories, but with rhymes!. Obviously, your supposed to write a sonnet about overcoming hard times for the ones we love!. I'm just giving out ideas here!.!.!.
I'll never forget that sad, sad day
When he went away
Up through the clouds, into the sky
All I did was cry, cry, cry
It was like a kick
in the stomach
I'll never forget that sad, sad, day

I'm only 11, and I don't even know what a sonnet is so cut me some slackWww@QuestionHome@Com

dark rain bearing clouds
parched lifeless desert landWww@QuestionHome@Com