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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of this random poem I just wrote??

Question: What do you think of this random poem I just wrote!?!?
I say things!.!.!. while saying, Why not!?
Words don't ALWAYS mean much!.

I like to tell people to go to Hell's people!.
My haters didn't know, I might go by Aita!.
Disrespect me now; and it's gone, later!.
I'm known as a supreme clique fader!.
I look for peace 3 times, like Lebron!.
Strike three, and the war might be on!.
If you know me, you can call me Jesus!.
I'll say, blow me;
I'm a drug that makes you see stuff!.
My son Damien, he keeps his nuts dangling!.
Wait, Who keeps what doing what!? but!.!.
I arrange things, entice the finest of women!.
Those who know me, know dude's no sinner!.
Handling my worlds, I'm a certified winner!.
Call me Jehovah, ladies; I'm no beginner!.
Do what you do!.!.!. If you love me, you can holla
I'm that ammunition for a slingshot, call me Allah!.
Like Lupe Fiasco said!. Oops, call my man Muhammed
Holiest of evils, with my style that's so uncommon!.
Sometimes, I laugh at my boy, Kanye!.
I'm a bit of a nutcase; so they say
I might catch a case on your faceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Man this is off the hook and so supreme in your style' which is only yours !.Yea i seem people spitting to the mike' but yours are so much better' as yours are for real' no bull about it!.!.Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a load of crap!. its not poetry, its faeces smeared on toilet paper and anyone who doesnt tell you this is continuing the 'emperors new clothes'!. Harsh - but you shouldnt be allowed to think that what you have written is in any way poetry!. Any stupid kid can sit and write garbage!. If you have a brain, sit and THINK, then THINK again, and THEN try to write something that hasn't been borrowed from a crap rap number!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting, not bad, it sounds like a freestyle rap-off more than a poem though, not to be taken offensively!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Not worthy of a random answer, like this one I just wrote!.

Come on, admit it!. You spent hours on this horse feces didn't you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's alright!. It would have been better if it was more cultured and less vulgar!. If it was rap lyrics, it would be dope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my friend do this from the very second you finish reading this STOP TAKING DRUGS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFEWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's good!.i think you like to write poem if you had feeling something or emotions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its okay very nice just keep trying until you reach your goalWww@QuestionHome@Com

you need to put a "boom boom cchhh" every few linesWww@QuestionHome@Com

all you need now is a phat beatWww@QuestionHome@Com