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Position:Home>Poetry> Check out my poem!?

Question: Check out my poem!!?
Written rose
Red paper petals enclose
The heart of his soul

Black inked love
Read beneath fireflys
Disclosing the rose

Black inked night
Daydreams with
The dream of his soul

A dream's heart beat
A fantasy life
Through Our distanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds good, but it also sounds like its about nothing, which just ruins it!. Well, it doesn't ruin it, but it limits it's potential!. If you want it to be great, you need to find something to explain, or a story to tell!. The words sound nice, but, to me, it really needs meaning!.

But, you do have talent! A lot of raw talent, it just needs to be sharpened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You went from the rose to the soul the love to the rose the night to the soul
beat to distance!?
hmm work with that last section or add one more to join it to the flow of the words

Is it a riddle!?
It might be prose but not a poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

it started off good but then end kinda went dullWww@QuestionHome@Com