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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem for a specific reason. What do you think.?

Question: A poem for a specific reason!. What do you think!.!?

Covered by the leaves
of the human minds
Autumnal remnants!.
She lived colliding with
the relativity of our time!.
She has seen the lives
of the violated
begin with their deaths!.
She observed them all
while they travelled on
towards the wombs of
those to be scorned!.
On to their ends!.
She remembered how
she had laughed at them!.
While she travelled forth,
the beginning of all time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's actually pretty good!.!.!.but I'd drop the punctuation from the end of your lines!.!.!.it causes phrase stops where there shouldn't be any!.

!.!.!.better than most!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

In the 2nd sentence you may want to add more to it to make it flowier!. In the 7th line you also should change begin to beginning!. In the 12th line you should switch SCORNED with another word(synonyms)!. I think you should remove the next sentence or line 13!. Besides that its amazing, very spiritual and musical! It makes my mind unravel into her world! VERY WELL WRITTEN! I hope i could help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really think you deliberate try to 'blow' our minds sometimes! And sit back and laugh! There is quite a bit of 'awe' in the poetry and I thought comprehensive, until I read the additional details, than my mind said, "bonk, bonk"! i am too tired to think anymore today!. However, I do agree with Kevin's punctuation notes!. I can only wonder what tomorrow's poetry will bring!!! You know this is in a good way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. Very dreamy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

thats a good peom !.!.!.i like it when u think in the good
happy happy princeWww@QuestionHome@Com