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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem for a Sunday morning. Criticism and comments needed. Can you help.?

Question: A poem for a Sunday morning!. Criticism and comments needed!. Can you help!.!?

Yesterday is long since past,
tomorrow not promised to anyone!.
No matter what you have heard,
your promises have all passed away!.

Never let you see my rage,
you always left me wanting!.
A stranger's strident call,
no choices for the chosen!.

Someone has to take the fall,
now you know what I see!.
Confessions decieve, not relieve,
it's the voice behind the veil!.

Our souls now ripped apart,
thoughts that transcend time!.
Now you know where I stand,
but, I'll never tell you why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It seems to be such a good almost always flowing poem and yet I am still trying to comprehend it all!. v!.1 Unfulfilled promises passed away with or (the same as) yesterday!. Whose promises!? Yours or someone Else's!? v!.2 A harsh unacquainted gave you no choice!? v!.3 You suffered the consequences for the one behind the veil!. Confessions deceive, yours or someone else!? Oh! I get it! The ones receiving answers to their confessions are being deceived!?!? v!.4 Sounds more like a lovers quarrel!. I am sorry I can't comment more or be of any help!. PS Sometimes I think it is not a person you are talking about but your feelings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so sad knowing this truth that is not pleasant for others to hear and therefore is ignored!. with time the need to confess makes the keeper of secrets cold!. my sympathies, friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com