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Position:Home>Poetry> A very personal poem for Memorial Day. Painful to write, do you like it.?

Question: A very personal poem for Memorial Day!. Painful to write, do you like it!.!?

I'm burning up now,
a hell of my making!.
I'm searching for you
old and I'm shaking!.

Your love hangs over,
like dark misery!.
Mother I beg you,
please set me free!.

Just like the snake,
that tempted of old!.
You left me seduced,
stuck out in the cold!.

You lied to me often,
I felt only pain!.
Sometimes I'm Abel,
others I'm Cain!.

Woman of sorrow,
you lead me on!.
In this strange world,
I do not belong!.

Slipped out of your womb,
left here on this earth!.
Mother of pain,
why did you give birth!.

My giver of life,
please let me go!.
Surely you know me,
what you have sown!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The old memories of mom bothering you today!? Caught between knowing you should love her, but hate her for what she put you through!. Wishing she would have at least apologized before her death and took your side, but knowing it will never happen!. I can see how painful it can be!. Sorry for your pain which flows with the words!. It is good to get them out!. Thanks for sharing!.

Oh yeah, new Avatar!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are not talking about your birth mother, you are talking about life!. However, the parallel between the two is there!.Let me know if I am wrong!. Anyway, I LOVE IT! The comparison you gave thoughout the poetry is exceptionally unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a great poem, because I can feel what you are trying to express, it's pain and remorse, sadness, despair!.!.!.You're a poet =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

sometimes the very deepest pain is what should have been the most comforting, but without it there is nothing but apathyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you posted this before!? I think i remember reading something like it!.

It is really good still!. Your pain shows really well!. It is sad and true, but good!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Another great poem by a very talented individual, keep up the good workWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is chilling, sad, and quite good!. To say I "like" it isn't really the right word!. Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

AMAZING! It proves how abandoned and betrayed you feel!. great job, you truly are a stunning poet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice, I like it!. It's quite sad but your point gets across beautifully!. Well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com