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Position:Home>Poetry> My first attempt at an acrostic poem? How do I improve?

Question: My first attempt at an acrostic poem!? How do I improve!?
Inside them I lose myself,

Awaiting your next embrace!.
My own eyes cannot challenge them so I

Look the other way!.
Only you have this power over me,
So subtle yet ensnaring!.
Trying to escape them is not an option,

Instead I bask in their praise!.
Now your attention has passed,

Yet I know I remain in your mind,
Only a fleeting shadow of what we could be:
Us against them, taking on the world!.
Running towards you I find myself,

Ever closer to those windows to the soul!.
You have looked upon me again,
Even I can feel the magic,
So I let myself be ensnared!.

As you can see, I don't really know how to do those, and mine probably doesn't flow to well!. That is my first time ever doing one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is a very, very good first try!. My first try was with the message "Love Hurts" which is the title!. It sucked!. You however did good!. But, it needs work before it's complete!. Stick with it for awhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, it is not that bad at all!.

I MIGHT word some of it a little differently, or use a different starting 2-3 lines, but I think it is good as it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look the
Other way,
Very much
Enjoy yourself
Listen closely
You're loved!
