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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you honor those?

Question: Do you honor those!?

1800 a day they lay to rest
our veterans, our souls, our loves!.
Say a prayer, remember a song
pay tribute in some small way!.

They served!.!.!. dared the reaper eyes
comrades with fellows, odd mates all
but united for country, and family too
the cadence march now heaven bent!.

Remember those that paved our way,
honor those who still walk the land!.
Redden skies, ill omens of days new,
but also rejoiners of days long past!.

We salute you, soldier, evermore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Semper Fidelis!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who gave there lives can only be remembered, but there are so many who sacrificed almost as much!. We can honor them by getting the government to give them the best support we possibly can - medical care, physical and mental therapy, educational opportunity!. We can ease their transition from military to civilian life by providing these things and more!. And yes, we can honor those who gave their lives by helping their families with benefits to cover funeral costs!. And we can assist the widows in finding new homes, and paying for the well-being and future education of their orphaned children!.
This is not just about going to a parade and waving a flag!. You can write to your Senators and Representatives in the U!.S!. Congress and tell them that we must not break the covenant we have implicitly made by asking these brave patriots to risk everything!.
I pray that this day,this poem, this response can inspire us to do the decent thing!. May God bless our veterans, and may we citizens be responsible for all the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you for posting this poem!. I will remember the veterans within my own family and without, and ask that we not only remember those who have fought, but those who are fighting!. My brother ships out in three days!.!.!.

Thank you for the remidner neonman!. To be cliche but still true, freedom is never free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A beautiful poem!. We MUST find a way to solve our differences without war!. Until then, of course I know many veterans and many who gave their lives or limbs in war!. We should remember and honor them every day, not only on a specific day set aside to pay tribute!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Answer: Outstanding!
My reading of your work was coloured by efforts I had read earlier this day!.
Stepping back from that negativity and honestly evaluating your work!.!.!.I like the understanding this is to remember those that have gone before!.!.!.As well as an honor to current service personnel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you!.

Very apropriate!. and humble thanks to all of those past, present, future!. "remember a song" yeah, that says it!.

Salute back, always!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I salute all past, present and sadly future men and women who give of their lives, so that we can have freedom!.God bless each and everyone of you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's beautiful, Neonman!. The sentiment of the poem speaks loud and clear!. Wonderful job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am volunteer for the LOC Veteran's History Project!. I've done about 30 interviews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes, I do!. Thank you for writing a poem honoring the Vets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1800!? i think that's a bit too much you're talking there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com