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Position:Home>Poetry> I changed the ending of my poem what do YOU think?

Question: I changed the ending of my poem what do YOU think!?
It was a Big, brown closet with two tall doors,
When she saw the wardrobe she fell in love with it,
All her belongings would no doubt fit perfectly,
She neatly arranged her clothes,
Each one in the right place,
Everything fit in perfectly

She began to become busy,
She had no time to care of it,
Her clothes lay around everywhere,
The skirt here, the sock there,
Daily she said to herself,
Am going to arrange it tomorrow,

But when tomorrow arrived,
She said the same thing yet again
The Shelves started to splinter,
The doors become squeaky,
Nevertheless she still ignored them,
One day she came home early to fix it,
As she opened the wardrobe door,
It fell down and the shelves lay on the floor,

She remembered why,
He left her that day,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ummm It could be a fantastic poem if it wasn't so choppy if you flowed with some more detail it could be quite beautiful!.
Try one more time i think it could be good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com