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Position:Home>Poetry> Do poems always need to rhyme or am i ok without the rhyming in some of my poems

Question: Do poems always need to rhyme or am i ok without the rhyming in some of my poems!?!!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
poems don't have to rhyme you just write them how you fill like writing them!. you could friendship poem and birthday poems as wellWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm very worried about the quality of your education!. If somehow you've reached your age without knowing or realizing that Shakespeare's plays and Milton's Paradise Lost were written in blank verse, which does not rhyme, then I fear very much for this world!. Even though I might not have been fully aware of this before high school, I remember having read numerous works by "free verse" poets such as Lawrence Ferlinghetti and e e cummings in elementary and junior high!. And usually teachers are very comfortable with giving their students assignments in writing unrhymed forms of poetry like haiku!. It's deplorable that somehow all these experiences have passed you by!.

At any rate, I hope you'll go to your local library and look for work by any of the numerous poets who've written some or all of their work without rhyme!. Ever since the modernist poets made "free verse" mainstream, it seems to me that the vast majority of the important poets of the past 100 years (especially since World War II) have written most or all of their work outside of traditional forms, although some might use techniques like internal rhyme!. Don't be afraid to ask a librarian where to start!. Sometimes just an anthology of modern poems can be a good beginning!.

So I think you can see that you have a vast world of unrhymed poetry to explore!. I hope you'll enjoy reading it (and writing it!), even though some of it will be a struggle when you first encounter it!. But the more you read of all kinds of poetry from all kinds of cultures, the more you'll see what poetry can be and what you yourself can do with it to make it your own, to find your particular voice!.

And maybe you and your parents will want to improve the school system where you live (although one certainly doesn't have to rely completely on it to seek out all that poetry offers)!. Then those who come after you won't find themselves in such a grave state of ignorance!.

Best of luck!

Some people will tell you that poems with rhyme and meter are intrinsically better than poems without!. Others will tell you that free verse (that's the correct term, not "freelance"), poetry that does not use rhyme and meter, is always better than formal verse!. Don't buy into either of those extreme positions!.

Some excellent poets use rhyme and meter (or meter without rhyme, or rhyme without meter), and some excellent poets write free verse!. And, of course, there's lots of very bad free verse out there, and lots of very bad formal verse!. You should read as much good poetry as you possibly can, poetry in all different forms and styles!. That's the best way to learn what other poets have done in the past and are doing today, and it's the best way to discover all the possibilities open to you in your own writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is an entire genre of poetry called freelance that doesn't have to rhyme!. Some topics are just better when not written in a rhyming sequenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Rhyming is preferable though not necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

poems doesn't necessarily need to rhyme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com