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Position:Home>Poetry> I am going to watch the Grand Prix of Monaco next. Can you finish this for me? G

Question: I am going to watch the Grand Prix of Monaco next!. Can you finish this for me!? Go Lewis!!.!.!.!?
As the chloroform wears off
I find myself in a sunless place
wet with mildew
my pores filled
with the damp mist!.
I am tied by the hands and feet
not gagged, thank God
…to be continued!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can hear voices, speaking hushed,
Panicked, I must remain calm, breathe,
Bound hands to mouth
Desperately, gnawing,
My hands are free!
The voices are getting closer, louder,
My feet, dear God!.!.!.
!.!.!.pray for me!.



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