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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like this poem? Any suggestions? It is called 'The good shepherd'

Question: Do you like this poem!? Any suggestions!? It is called 'The good shepherd'!.!?
In the shadow of the shepherd
Will the faithful flock abide
For he has brought protection
And a smart dog on every side
He fronts an exodus to greener pastures
This master protector and guide

We do not know when it all began
Nor do we fully understand
This eon old phenomenon
Of a masterful plot behind subversion
Only that since time of old
Man’s child, as a lamb, has been told
Even in tones of superstitious faith
That he guides mortals to Heaven’s gate

His presence is ever near
And no doubt that he cares
He walks before the flock through the valley
The sheep follow their definer of destiny
He discovers every lost soul that strays
And marks out the snares where they lay
So the flock takes comfort
In every sense of his trust and divine worth

From the castle of their own romantic eyes
Not seeing him as a fatted prize
This vision outside of reality
Sees the good shepherd leading to safety
And he nurtures and feeds them all
They adore him and heed his call

He had labored for this day
They follow him out of the pasture
To a home far away
In a place where his accomplices await
And he would not be late
The more he made them fat
The more they made him cash

Today it was time
To select those of his prime
And make his hard earned money
To have his share of milk and honey
For this was nothing new
No guilt to that which he would do
For the shepherd’s best friend must be the butcher
And it serves him well to be the traitorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is good in its' own way!. Poetry usually expresses the authors' feelings and desires!. You presented this in a way that was totally unexpected, yet truly meaningful!. You offered a perspective of an individual who is neither right, nor wrong, and let the reader understand this from that point of view!. Great interpretation of the inevitable, no matter how it may be received!. Good work!. Kudos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What started out as the good shepherd turned into a killing spree!. The first few verses were deeply religious, I even felt them!. Then as we progressed, I realized no, that I might be on a farm getting these sheep ready for market!. I don't know, its pretty deep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What an amazing piece of work!. But, from the looks of the poem, it would seem that you don't need me to tell you that!. 90 out of 100!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

COOL DUDE!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com