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Position:Home>Poetry> I'm a poet, I NEED a

Question: I'm a poet, I NEED a publisher!.!.!.how!?
I've written poetry since I was around 10!. I actually think I'm good!. I've won contests before, and I have a poem in a book for winning!. But so were about 500+ others, but they were good too!. I think I was a lot better though!. I've copywritten a few poems, but I would have better motivation to do so if I was writing for a magazine, book, or something along those lines!. How can I get the help I need!? where do I start!? Can anyone help me at all!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Let's see one of your poems! :) I'd like to see one
And about the magazines, there are a lot of writing magazines, poetry magazines, etc, apply by there!.!.!.also, try the writer's digest book!. It's a book published once a year, I think, with about a trillion different opportunities to get things publishedWww@QuestionHome@Com