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Position:Home>Poetry> This is a special poem. It has much meaning. Is it worthy.?

Question: This is a special poem!. It has much meaning!. Is it worthy!.!?

I don't care,
what you said!.
How could I care!?
I don't exist!.
You raped me
and you plundered,
you ripped my
soul apart!.
I tried to rhyme
and do my best,
I had to leave
and run away!.
You tried to crush,
all of my dreams
but I don't care
not one bit!.
Does it even matter,
when i don't exist!.
Does it really mean
anything at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Any poem written from the heart is worthy!. It is the feeling of it and does it communicate that counts!.
Seems like this poem would reach your friend if it is to be!.

What a terrible thing for a father to do to their daughter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The poem was an expression for her to her that led her away instead of showing her the way!. Some that are hurt and tormented are looking for help not an excuse and justification!.
Your intention was wordly and grand but,I feel you may have assisted in her demise!.When confronted with situations like this we should make known that God will always be here for you and no matter what you go through things will get better!. By justifying her pain you helped justify her demise!. Be a good friend and help those in need not escape from their pain!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Irregardless, of the different thoughts of your viewers, your compassionate heart is reaching out to help another in distress!. We all say that God is near, and He is! But sometimes we don't see Him or feel Him!. We just have to know it by faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Brutality in life can sap the sweetness out of sugar, isn't it!?
Very nicely put!. Good job!.

Nice work!.!.!.!.horrible experience for that girl!.!.!.God bless her and protect her!Www@QuestionHome@Com