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Position:Home>Poetry> Aerials by system of a down..??

Question: Aerials by system of a down!.!.!?!?
what does it mean!? like what are "aerials"!?
i also need to find 3 poetic things about this song (alliteration, similies, metaphors, personification, etc)
PLEASE help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Aerials" are the acrobatics in the air done by planes and birds!. When you see them "wheel", and "dive", and "spin", and all the other maneuvers you've heard about, those are "Aerials"!.!.!.so what he's saying in the song is that when you do "aerials in the sky" you are dancing in the air, spinning and living in a carefree way until you lose your sense of "self" of "things"!.!.!."when you lose (your) small mind"!.

"life is a waterfall" is a metaphor (because he says it "is" a waterfall!.!.!.if he'd said that it was "like" a waterfall, it would have been a simile)!. also, any time he says "Always" and "Never", that's "hyperbole" because it's an exageration!.

When he says "free your life", that might be considered "personification" because life has no feelings and can't really be "freed"!.

"We're one" and "always want" are aliterations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you allowed to pick another song!? Soad has sort of a knack of not being poetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com