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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like it? Do you get it?

Question: Do you like it!? Do you get it!?
I only have 2 stanzas so far!. Sorry! I also need help with a title!.

Hey, you know I miss you!.
I still expect you to come by my house!.
I think you'd look like you always did,
Wearing that very same blouse!.

Except that there would be no stain;
No memory of what he did!.
I try to think of happier times,
But these thoughts cannot be rid!.

I hope you like it! Help with the title please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You may not need any more lines if you managed to say what needed to be said in the lines you've written so far!. If not, only you can come up with the lines because it is your image, not ours!.

The poem is fine, but the last line doesn't work!.!.!.I know what you mean to say, but the way you say it is "contrived"!.!.!.meaning that the sentence would not be said that way if you weren't trying to rhyme!. You might try it like this:

"But some feelings can't be hid"

As for a title!.!.!.maybe, "Missing You"

!.!.!.hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's okay(yea goodd) so far!. I say this because I don;'t get it!. I don't get it becauz i dnt no where u r going with this!. I don't know which direction ur going with this becauz it isn't finished!. Ya get it!?

Idk y but i think this would b a good title: When(If) You Come BackWww@QuestionHome@Com