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Position:Home>Poetry> A comical poem... anyone else think it's funny?

Question: A comical poem!.!.!. anyone else think it's funny!?
~~~He says things to provoke the eyes of the easily offended!.

No, I don't!.

~~~Crazy lies, which his countenance uses to withstand!.

I thought I told you to stay off of my land!

~~~Yeah!.!.!. Your dog bit off my hand!.

No he didn't!.!.!. he just sniffed Uranus!.

~~~Quit playing around like this!.

Maybe!.!.!. When you quit playing with yourself!.

~~~Why, I'd never! That's been declared as I sin!

Oh no! Woe is me soul!

~~~I shall Crusade against all of your kind; all SHALL be well !!

shut up and take some blue & red & yellow pills

~~~your mind is ILL! You must be killed!

Go find a new people to opress and teach your religion to!.
!.!.!. Before I empty your collection plate so that you can't!.

~~~ You SHALL stand in judgement and be cast to the fiery lakes of hell!

Shut up!.
God bless your crazy self!.
Let's hope, for your sake, that you don't get judged!.
Allah bless!.
Jehovah, can I get a witness!?
God bless America!.
One love!.

~~~God D--- America!

Love UWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Religious intolerance is a global problem,the belief that only one religion (name any one) is the only true religion and everyone else is going to suffer eternal torture!. BUT, I don't think it's funny; it's a real problem that you illustrate here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its alright I agree with the first answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mumble jumble!. Didn't light my fire!. My face is dead straight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com