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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem, "Is it possible to be your own best friend?"...?

Question: A poem, "Is it possible to be your own best friend!?"!.!.!.!?
People seem to think that I'm the Devil!.!.!.
I think that they're crazy!.
His son-in-law!. !. !. maybe!.
An inside joke!.
Want me to take your soul to him, baby!?

I could cook you up some poetry, ladies!.!.!.
Your boyfriends are going to hate me!
Ancestry!.!.!. it's a hilarious thing to me!.
My own child's son-in-law!. !. !. say what!?

Wait!. !. !. who is who's son-in-law!?
I think that my friend is confused!.
His father!.!.!. the Devil's prophet!.
Who!?!. !. !. I'm!?!. !. !. What about it!?

I'm!. !. !. nobody!?!. !. !. is that possible!?
Like!.!.!. I'm Ease,
I speak like the King of the Underground!.

I say, MC=E, son!. Where am I from!?
The underground!?!.!.!. you must just be high!
I'm from the clouds; way up in the sky!.

God!. !. !. he's an old friend of mine!.
I just stop by here, sometimes!.
I'm just like him, but better!.
He's so judgemental!.

I'm trying to save souls, not steal them!.

I'm a lover, not a player!.
Trust that!.
That's very real, son!.
ah!!.!.!. Misconceptions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i tottaly loved it !.=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mixed ancestry!. Good v Evil!. Love v deceit!. All summed up in the final word!. Does perception make the man!? In such a case, the man must deny misconceptions and yes, be his own best friend!. The narrator's confusion and hesitation in this poem graphically illustrates the poet's own confusion about reality!. Very interesting to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is much better!. An organized frustration with pictures!. Very good!. TDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Unusual but enjoyable to read with subtle meanings entertwined!. My compliments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com