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Position:Home>Poetry> Freestyle Haiku Challenge....for writers only?

Question: Freestyle Haiku Challenge!.!.!.!.for writers only!?
Care to write four Haiku/s!. Please write one for each topic!.

The topics are: Choice!.!.!.Freedom!.!.!.Nature!.!.!.and Partnership!.

This is just a fun exercise!. The thumbs decide the winner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good morning! I was just about to leave you a comment asking where the challenges are :D


Fingers intertwined
Always looking for the sun
I'll stay by your side!.

Are you scared!? Me too!.
Hands in hand we may fall OR
Rise against fear!.

She will come in June;
Following her light, sweet steps
The flowers will bloom!.

Burning, painful song
For the last time: the time's come!.
She will fly away!.

EDIT: hey, I want more challenges!. Don't make me wait :D
EDIT2: why does she think it's your homework!? do students have to write poems in the us or canadian high schools!?
EDIT3: who were these two assholes, who gave me thumbs down!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!
EDIT4: god, Shaun got 3! I have a new idea! Next time say that the thumbs DOWN decide, and the trolls will give thumbs up to everyone!. YAY me, I'm so clever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each of us has choice
Good or bad the choice is yours
Make it the right one

Freedom is so abstract
Nothing about it is real

The cutterfly floats
Never having to choose it
It is his nature

Playful things you do
Keep us together
Our partnership's realWww@QuestionHome@Com

i had just one choice
it's to be or not to be
i'll let you decide

The ringing freedom
i can now defend myself
united as one

Summer burns away snow
melting, dripping, changing, gone
a flower will now bloom

idk about partnership, i suck at poetry!. but thanks for the funWww@QuestionHome@Com

Can't do it!. Haikus are about nature!. The other three would be Senryus!. Will you take one Haiku and three Senryus!?

Live on dying Earth
or soar with poets to Mars
I have made my choice!.

When I hear your words
my soul is unbound and free
filled with poetry!.

What does nature want!?
only that we live with her
in love and respect!.

You and I are bound
in eternal partnership
our love cannot die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see I must choose
Each decision is costly
I weigh my options

Should I go alone!?
I am free to come and go
Simply as I please

Enjoying the sights
The cool breeze against my face
The rebirth of land

Should I join a friend!?
We can explore land unknown
Sharing a journeyWww@QuestionHome@Com

my heart stops beating
cause you are leaving my life
and i should be dead

im not that experienced but i tried!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think this is your homework ur trying to get other people to do! SMART!Www@QuestionHome@Com