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Question: I really need help!.!.!?
So, i have this sonnet due, and i have this line --

You're the brightest colors of my dreams,
you are biggest memories of my hope,

and i cant think of anything-- if you know what a sonnet is than it must rhyme (dreams with the next line, and hope with the line after) and there must be ONLY 10 syllables!. Thanks, please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, my main suggestion is to make sure you have a topic that you can actually write about!. First rule for any writer is to "writer what you know"!. Pick something that you've already experienced and you will have a much easier time finding the words!. Another suggestion is that you look up how to write a sonnet!. To begin with each line needs to be five feet long and written iambic pentameter!. Neither of your current lines fit the criteria!. Here are instructions and an example of a sonnet: http://www!.elfwood!.com/farp/thewriting/2!.!.!.

Try this: When writing 10 syllable iambic pentameter then you need to stick to smaller words!.
Listen to the beat of this line!. You were very close, you only need to change you're to you are to get the beat and add that missing syllable!.

"You are the brightest colors in my dreams"

Second line just won't work without major revision!. Something like this!.!.!.

My hope will live within your memories

Okay, now you have two lines that are 5 feet and iambic P!.
Just follow the beat and you shouldn't have any trouble keeping it flowing!. I can't write anymore for you as it would not be your poem!. So, here is a site that will help you with your rhyming problem: http://www!.rhymezone!.com/r/rhyme!.cgi!?Wor!.!.!.

Good Luck, I hope this helped you some!.Www@QuestionHome@Com