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Position:Home>Poetry> Can u plsez help me write a poem????

Question: Can u plsez help me write a poem!?!?!?!?
By using any of these words or other…and i don't have to use all of them!.

Guffaw: To laugh heartily and boisterously
Prattle: To talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate!.
Sheepish: Embarrassed, as by consciousness of a fault
Intrigue: arouse curiosity
Gallivant: To roam about in search of pleasure or amusement
Eon: indefinitely long period of time; an age!.
Slough: A depression or hollow, usually filled with deep mud or mire!.
Impertinent: bold, disrespectful
Reprimand: oral punishment
Differentiated: To recognize as being different
Armageddon: Bible!. The scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil, prophesied to occur at the end of the world!.
Judgmental: depending on judgment
Gnashing: To grind or strike (the teeth, for example) together
Addled: confused
Asunder: apart; into pieces
Ally: To place in a friendly association, as by treaty
Shoddily: Of poor quality or craft!.

Or use any other words that you think r exciting! :) thank uWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Prattle words floating around the room
I walk the distasteful air with ease, sighting my pending doom
Gnashing my teath until my head burns fire
The pressence of real life is my fading desire

Is anyone here
Within these walls of uncertainty
To dilude my agony rising
Giving me streangth, Make me see
See life like life should be
Life lived through eternity

My addled mind and heart
So filled with an unknown tongue of the past
constrict my wisdom
Leaving me addled and torn, alas

Is anyone HERE!
Within these walls of uncertainty
To dilude my agony rising
Giving me streangth, Make me see
See life like life should be
Life lived through eternity

Save me from this waste
please make due haste
IS anyone there
Who can deny
The end of mind
Or tell me why

Why hate prevail this room of lies
So many things our heart denies
Is anyone here who can understand
My mind inside can anyone comprehend!?

Within these walls of uncertainty
To dilude my agony rising
Giving me streangth, Make me see
See life like life should be
Life lived through eternityWww@QuestionHome@Com

My gallivant style of poetry has been differentiated!.
Loved & Hated!.
While it was allied by those who might've been ingtrigued;
It was addled as hateful; and said to be made shoddily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com