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Position:Home>Poetry> I put this down for a long time. This is a rewrite, please critique.?

Question: I put this down for a long time!. This is a rewrite, please critique!.!?

Longing for a time I never knew,
when my life once belonged to me!.
Running, jumping, chasing cars,
climbing trees, peaceful and free!.
Through the mist of nights I dream,
His hands still pull and grab at me!.
It still feels as if it was yesterday,
violated trust and I still despise!.
My innocence stolen from me,
a boy used for his own dark sins!.
I hope the bastard burns even today,
in hell where he resides for eternity!.
I'll pay the price, all of my life,
He will pay forever and one day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very dark!.!.!. but I like it!. It is very good!.
And it IS poetry!. I even has meter, you know, the flow good poetry gets!?
My sorrow for your sorrow!.

Inside, my heart aches for the world out there
With broken hearts and crying souls
And unfulfilled wishes as the wishers grow old!.

If only there was a way I could help
And soothe the savageness of their eyes;
To-night I will sing thee into Eden,
And pray unto the skies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is good! It is venting! But I didn't see any forgiveness in it!. I didn't see any releasing of the sins that were done to you!. Oh! It wasn't a poem of forgiveness or releasing of sins to set you free, was it!? I see!. That's the impossible, isn't it!? (I wonder if I dare open my E-Mail after tonight)Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is the sacrifice you made so that you could help protect innocents and be aware of the cerulean magics and save thousands from being alone in their pain!. i think you are so very much a hero and the fact that you aren't wearing some badge of honor makes no difference because that kind of honor shows in itself!. love lcWww@QuestionHome@Com

good, dark, emotional!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This poem makes me sad!. I hope that son of a ***** burns in hell for all eternity, along with all others like him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com