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Position:Home>Poetry> Tagging along,Am I too late?

Question: Tagging along,Am I too late!?
Johnny paced the lobby floor calling for Phillp Morris, I doubt he ever found him,Some fella started walking a mile for a camel, he's still walking, since lucky strike green went to war
a black and white bird keeps yelling, throat hot smoke kools!.
Little orphan Annie will send you a decoder ring, But the shadow knows, has all the answers!. Jack Armstrong was the all American boy, but Buck Rogers zoomed off in a rocket!.
The cambell soup kids were not real, so they gave it to Mikey
he'll eat anything! And little Speedy sang, "Flop,Flop,Fizz, Fizz,
OH! what a relief it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You get a start for coming up with some golden oldies! lol The decoder ring!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nice poem but I don't get the questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

GREAT said Tony the Tiger - liked it a lot!. Come fly with me because even a caveman can do it (they think)!. You're right up there with the best of them - take me to the moon after we see the USA in our Chevrolet ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com