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Position:Home>Poetry> PLEASE HELP ME! To do with WW1 poetry?

Question: PLEASE HELP ME! To do with WW1 poetry!?
I have to find 6 war poems to annonate and then write how it impacts me!.
I really dont understand poetry and its all black and white to me!. Do you have any good ww1 poems that are easy to annonate(like have lots of similes, alliterations etc) and that are fairly easy to understand!?
Ive looked some under wilfred owen and siegfried sassoon but i can't or they dont have much metaphors/similes stuff in themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would think that you could do something with Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth 'only the stuttering rifles rapid rattle can patter out their hasty orisons', it sounds like a sort of alliteration to me, although not a first-letter one!. You can find it here with some notes:
Have a look at Isaac Rosenberg as well and see if you like him, he was the only one who was working class, and tended not to be as well known as the others but is now considered very good!.
There's a general site here which looks interesting:

Hey sandy, when you told us that you were going to finish today , shona was like "oh, i bet she'll come to school on monday and be like "OMG, i dont know what to do!!!!" hahaha lol, i havent started mine, gawsh im so lazyWww@QuestionHome@Com

prob wont get ten poitns but 2 in enough!

Yeah, do isaac rosenburg, im doing one of his poems!.

And ask Dobby 2 help u coz i don't really get it either!.

:) (lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com