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Question: Comments,Poem !?
A have a friend who dresses like a Cadillac
With a crooked counterfeit smile
Walks like a circus
He’s a short, sharp shooter
In denial
Just another sucker punch on the vine
Blind as Pontius Pilate
Hoodwinked Jesus
Out of a dime
Every face looks up
at him like a king
what a load of donkeys
Tomorrow he’ll shave their
heads when they realise
They’ve seen sewed a laughing sin
From a friend of gunga dinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Executed very, very nicely!. It's like interpretive dance in word form!. Sounds like one of those poems for a java shop, and a bunch of people in those hats that sit to the side are going to snap instead of clap as a show of appreciation as if claping didn't do the job just fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nice n a very good poem writer reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com