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Question: Are you a closet poet!?
I share my poetry here and on a personal website, and have had some poems published!. I have also participated in open mic poetry readings, but I never show what I have written to members of my family or to my friends who are not poets and writers!.

Somehow, I fear that sharing my poetry with people close to me would ruin the magic!.

I am very grateful to the people here at Y/A and ticket2write who read my poetry and share their opinions!. Many of you mean more to me than I could ever explain!.

I guess I am a closet poet!. Are you, too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the most part, yes!. Notes scribbled over the years, stashed in a journal!. A lot probably deserve the fireplace ending, but they are still ideas!. This site is great from the standpoint of being able to post and it has forced me in a nice way to start writing again!. I will always keep my day job though! By the way, is your closet lined with cedar!? lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was for much too many years, since I started at seventeen,
I was in my late 30's when I shared a few, with a fella, who was once a neighbor, a life time before I married!. He was/is
cultured in the arts, a master painter!. We still share at intervals!. But never any time as much as I do on this site!
I wonder, what it would be like if we all saw each others faces,
sitting in a room together, or outside in pleasant weather, would we stay or run away! This site, Yes brings magic as it
is one would guess, but who truly knows, classic poets of old
gathered in places!. what would they have done if Yahoo was
then, Whatever this is what it is and it is , And it fills my day!
if not would be many lonely boring ones! It is so much fun, and
I too am gratiful, for, "YA'll"Www@QuestionHome@Com

not really!.!.!. i hide a poem or two every now & then; usually when I expect nothing but embarrassment to come from sharing them!.

I've actually been so embarrassed of a poem or two, that after reading what I had just wrote!.!.!. I literally burnt them!.

I just keep writing embarrassing things!.!.!. so, that now I'm used to the fact that a part of me might enjoy it!. Now, I just keep a few of them a bit more hidden (rather than setting them on fire)!.

My life feels like it's entirely lacking any sense of privacy!.!.!. so, I'm not sure if hiding my words has much of a meaning!. (Probably a result of my flagrantly rebellious nature, which feeds a large number of my poems!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sometimes give a poem to a family member as a gift, and I will write lyrics for my brother and father to put music to if they request it, but other than that, I do not like to share my poems!. My art even less!. I don`t know why!. It is just part of me, part of my protective shyness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I post other things I write on here
(Check this out!? http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.

But I really suck at poetry!. I try and try and it usually come out like crap!. But I love to write, I just stay away from poetry and songs!.
And I don't like showing the people close to me the things I write, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have only written a few poems and when I write one, it is usually for someone specifically and they share it!. So I don't think that would qualify!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL, I used to be but, the more you get yourself out there hon, the more confidence you receive and the more you learn about you craft *^_^*

Just be watchful <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude come out be an open poet!.

Hell no, i never went in the closetWww@QuestionHome@Com

i like poetry, I'm really good at writing stuff down on the spot, none of my friends or family knows that i do it tho lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I used to hide all of my work, but I recently started posting it on a personal blog!. My family knows of the blog!.!.!.whether or not they read it is beyond me!. But it's there, if they choose to!. I've actually contemplated starting a separate blog, though, for just my poetry!.!.!.!.that they do not know about because sometimes I just feel like my work shows a side of me that makes me a little self-conscious about people that I know, knowing that part of me!. I don't know why!.!.!.!.I guess that's just me!. The poets I have met on this site mean a lot to me too, I think we all offer an outlet for each other because many times I have found that non-writers don't quite understand the fire and passion that writing gives us!.!.!.to them it's just some words on a paper but to us it's our emotions, imagination, and soul pouring out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com