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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this personification, metaphor, or simile?!?

Question: Is this personification, metaphor, or simile!?!!?
It makes your heart beat
Like it has turrets

It makes you cry
Like a broken piano key

I am writing a poem and every other line is having like in it, but i am supossed to have personification and metaphors in it!.!. but does "like" make is a simile!?

thankks =]]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, using like or as makes it a simile!. if the 2 lines were one complete thought like on one line then it would be considered personification as well!.

good luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those are similes!.
Personification is apply human characteristics to an inanimate object!.!.!.but it can't be done the other way around (applying non human characteristics to a human)
Simile is a comparison of 2 things using like or as
Metaphor is a comparison of 2 things, usually using is (or some for of is, such as was)Www@QuestionHome@Com