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Position:Home>Poetry> (Sort of random) poem that I just wrote. Opinions?

Question: (Sort of random) poem that I just wrote!. Opinions!?
Influenced and taught by my lyrical studies
digesting suggestions not to trust "buddies"

former friends, showed in the end that loyalty was just a hobby
rememberances, from back when I kept music on Floppies
A drive; to stay alive, thrive and stay honest at the same time
Biding time 'till I find trust (a must) amongst those of like minds

Fighting philosophies of "royalty",
preferring those who know of loyalty
devils and demons; hate me in my crosses
get steaming mad, that it's more than a fad
and that i don't want to toss it

i'm not judgemental; but, some display their mentality
i'm hated!.!.!.!. for my observational talents!?
or, for the fact that the streets are where my heart beats
and that thoughts of greed can barely compete

yet, still i need green to survive this jungle of concrete
without it, my stomach has me dying and incomplete
not settling for the meddling's buy-outs!.!.!.integrity's not cheapWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is not random at all!. It speaks to those who are judgmental because of others' talents!. This is a real problem in our society today; the disdain for those who can rise above their circumstances!. We all need "green" to survive and very few earn it through poetry!. All the poets on this site are earning or have earned their green through other means!. Many leave boring jobs and come home to practice their real calling at the keyboard or with their guitar!. Integrity does not mean starvation; there is room for both poetry and the work that brings in the paycheck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is very reflective and meaningful!. I love the internal rhyming and I respect the truths told here, the observations from "the streets"!. This has a good sense of rhythym and gives the reader so much to think about!. I enjoyed reading this very much; you have a wonderful talent!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very profound, thoughtful read!. Royalty, loyalty, judgment, and concrete!. All influence by friends, devils, and demons! Integrity is impossible in that situation I'm thinking! Thanks for sharing this great poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lame!.!.!. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com